
Phones with sleek rubber covers to protect them from scratches and bumps. Kinda like Ipod covers.
Emails from dear ones far away.
Good wine.
Good friends.
Things to look forward to like weddings.
Blue skies, sunsets and clear heads.
Space and Time to formulate new ideas

A Woman & Her Hairdresser
I love that my hairdresser, sytlist, colourist etc are more like friends that you only see once in a while that people that I pay to make me look good. It was great to share in Aimee’s wedding photo joy, as well as Bonz’ great headshots, and to hear everything that’s going on for them. I thought it was kinda funny at first .. but then isn’t that partly why I want to open a pub? To hear people’s stories .. whenever they are ready to tell them?

Career Development
I’m having an epiphany. Sometimes it’s meaningless to preach from trenches, to those on pavement. So maybe an effective and intentional way of being meaningful in my peer community is to actually serve the same way they do .. balancing ‘real’ jobs and the demands/tensions of that life.