The Power of Surrender & Letting Go
It is in surrender that you are embracing humility. Knowing yourself truly; good, bad and ugly. Confronting the secret and alone parts of yourself that are still laced with fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of being unsuccessful, fear of being unloved, fear of being wrong.
6 Steps To Grow Into Your Ambitions.
My ambition and my ability are not often in alignment. One exists in my present reality and one is beckoning to me from the future. Thankfully, I can change my present to get to the future. You must behave as if you already have the ability to match your ambition – this is simply called, practising.
Hogmanay – A Short List Of Good Intentions.
The Scots have a few bloody brilliant traditions. Most of them have to do with feasting and drinking, a few of them have to do with fighting. But hospitality and celebration is something they do well. One of the traditions I appreciate the most (because it lends...
How To Have An Imperfect, Less Stressful Christmas.
Christmas’ dirty secret is that there’s no such thing as a universally perfect Christmas. In fact, we rarely talk about the anger, tension, stress and emotional turmoil that so many go through in trying to meet a perfect myth. So, it’s December 28th. You have 360 days, give or take, to work on new strategies for a less angry, sad, lonely, bitter, stressful Christmas next year.
The Importance of Being Second.
In a world driven by being the best, it takes a hell of a lot of resilience to be second. To be second best, but not give up. To be second in command, advising on big decisions but not aim for the top rung. To be the backing vocalist, never sing the lead and still...
Leaning In, Expecting, Waiting.
Regardless of your religious beliefs, the Advent season screams out, ‘Notice me – I have something to remind you of.’ Something human, something important about the power of leaning in to your dreams, about expecting again, about waiting and about Hope.
It’s Not Me, It’s You.
But I think I know something you don’t. I’m The Generation. We’re all just in it together, one generation defined by being together and alive now.
No Such Thing As A Broken Man (Or Woman).
We relinquish our creative power, becoming obsessed with doing what is right. In our desire to be perfect we neglect our greatest purpose in the Universe. There is no hero in fairytale or real life that does not bear some shadow or flaw. We are unconvincing humans without them. Whatever good you can and will accomplish in your life, will occur in the company of your demons too. Your greatest task is to be your true self.
It’s How We Fight, Not Just Why.
Most of us only have one, maybe two fight modes. If those fight modes are not constructive, then conflict is likely to be unhealthy, rather than something we can work through to achieve greater understanding, harmony and intimacy. If you can learn to evolve your fight modes over time, you can become a better communicator through conflict. You can grow from it. If you get stuck in an unconstructive fight mode, you might well be doing damage unwittingly.
Letting Go Of The Past.
When I let that uncertain, insecure woman come back, I am adrift in unsteady reflections – looking to the faces of others to see myself, instead of the mirror within. I like the woman I see in that internal mirror, I know her well by now. She is a dear and mysterious friend, a warm lover and a fiery ally. She is certain, she is steadfast, she knows herself. She is giving, passionate, soulful. I want her to be known.
6 Steps To Grow Into Your Ambitions.
My ambition and my ability are not often in alignment. One exists in my present reality and one is beckoning to me from the future. Thankfully, I can change my present to get to the future. You must behave as if you already have the ability to match your ambition – this is simply called, practising.
A Weekend Mom – Youthworker In Your 30s.
One of the wisest sayings I was ever taught was essentially, ‘Learn, Earn, Return.’ One of the ways I return, is through the young people entrusted to my care. There are young people and families who have chosen me as their youthworker and at times, a Weekend Mom. What a gift.