Back In February Again.

Back In February Again.

Unbelievably enough we are back in the month of February.
I’m looking for new projects both creatively and work-wise.
I’m trying to get the rhythm and routine of healthy life back.
I’m planning on enjoying more time with family and friends.
I’m praying and planning on finance for travel.
I have plenty of stuff to blog on and about – more later.
Meanwhile.. here’s a couple of favourite pics from Parachute fest last weekend.

A Psalm Of My Own (40).

There’s a darkness in me
There’s a shadow
A fear that sometimes takes hold
It leads me right out to the desert
Where I face the winds alone
But you always lead me home
Despite the storms that roar
You love me well
In darkness I am held
By hands that hold the world
You never let me go

You are light
The glorious light

verse 2
You take everything broken
Redeem it
My imperfect heart make whole
Everything beautiful reveal it
And all by your glorious light
And you always lead me home
Despite the storms that roar
You love me well
In darkness I am held
By hands that hold the world
You never let me go

You are light
The glorious light
You are light in the darkness
You are radiant glorious light

Oh my soul, fly to that resting place
Where peace is found before my Father’s grace
Be still and know, that He is God
No darkness can quench His light

Useful Stuff From Other People.

Damn cool Buddy Miller thanks to Mark Riddle

Is everything okay? from Seth Godin

Unless you work in a nuclear power plant, the answer is certainly no (and if you work there, I hope the answer is yes.)
No, everything is not okay. Not in a growing organization. Not if your company is making change happen, or dealing with customers. How could it be?

And yet, that’s what so many managers focus on. How to make everything okay.
We spend so much time smoothing things out, we lose the opportunity for change, or for texture or creativity.

Instead of working so hard to make everything okay, perhaps it is more helpful to work hard at living with a world that rarely is.