Welcome Home
I’m thinking and wrestling with a few things — most of which i have posted here in the past couple of months. I came back to work this week to find out that I am losing my office at the church – fair enough I guess .. I’m currently a 20hr per week volunteer .. and they have a new intern starting. It’s pretty stressful to have to think about shifting all my ministries supplies in a few days time and to who knows where.
I’ve ended up thinking – after some conversations with Eye and a few other equally marvellous folk – that perhaps the best idea is to launch back into the workforce properly after eastercamp is done. There are no rules that say a ministry-based life has to be working for a church or parachurch organisation and I feel that there is a certain amount of credibility or confidence that may be better found in the marketplace again.
After all – no matter which way I go about it – the sums just don’t add up – I still end up fragmented and all over the show – spread out way too thin and not being able to fully enjoy it all.
Some thoughts.
I may well be job hunting for a real job and then trimming down my work at Windsor to some more specific tasks. That may be the best way to go about seeing the path ahead.
It’s basically all about trying to find my way home.
The Lake At Tomorata
Yesterday we went up to the lake – Andy & Kirsten, Jesse & Liam, and we were joined by Alan and Heather, Tony and Heidi, Nige and Cath .. it was a great day but in the middle of it all I did start to all of a sudden feel a little melancholy …
Song Of The Moment : Welcome Home
Dave Dobbyn
tonight I am feeling for you
under the state of a strange land
you have sacrificed much to be here
‘there but for grace…’ as I offer my hand
welcome home, i bid you welcome, i bid you welcome
welcome home from the bottom of my heart
out here on the edge
the empire is fading by the day
and the world is so weary in war
maybe we’ll find that new way
so welcome home, see i made a space for you now
welcome home from the bottom of our heart
welcome home from the bottom of our hearts
keep it coming now – keep it coming now
you’ll find most of us here with our hearts wide open
keep it coming now – keep on coming now
keep it coming now – keep on coming now
there’s a woman with her hands trembling – haere mai
and she sings with a mountain’s memory – haere mai
there’s a cloud the full length of these isles
just playing chase with the sun
and it’s black and it’s white and it’s wild
all the colours are one
so welcome home, i bid you welcome, I bid you welcome
welcome home from the bottom of our hearts
welcome home, see i made a space for you now
welcome home from the bottom of our hearts
from the bottom of our hearts