Someone Up There 21st Birthday
Always a delight to work with something that is full of heritage and tradition. Last weekend I helped out at Murray & Dave’s 21st birthday party for their latest acquisition. Fun times. The venue was amazing. Considering that Tere’s wedding will be here as well – I’m excited about the possibilities.

The SUT night featured AJ Bell, Max Jocobsen, Derek Lind, Kevin & Darlene Adair, Luke Hurley .. a number of others, and relative newcomers Shooting Stars and Edwin Derricutt.

What was a lot of fun was pulling out the new Canon 20D to do the photography. Bit of a lucky scoop, I simply noticed that there wasn’t a photographer on the crew list and so made sure to have the kit in the car. Great fun to be had, especially trying to catch so many of the fingers waving over the fretboards at such high speeds.

Leaders Night
Last night our quarterly Leaders Training Night featured Brian Winslade talking about Church. Why, Where to in the future and all that jazz. He stole my sermon for next month though – I’ve been planning a speak on “A Short History of Nearly Everything” .. basically the Last Supper til now .. how the Western Church has become who we are, what’s good about it, and what we can change. However, most of the foundational material Brian managed to cover last night – including the climax .. so it’s back to the drawing board.

Had a purely benevolent coffee with the marvellous Luke Oram. He’s a talented wee laddie and I’m looking forward to the opportunities that might be spawned from expanding the circles of creative collaboration. He’s written for Relevant before.. and we love them, so no surprise .. I enjoyed his company just as much as I was expecting too. Yay. Here’s to a bright future of new things and projects.