Hope Dances.
once in the shadow of a dark moon
caught in the lamplight flicker
hope danced on a black sky
dimples of light where her feet landed
hope knows how to dance on the deep darkness
in the depths she latches on with fury
curls up her will into lightening
eyes flash and spirit leaps
i am living beyond the horizon
my whole life long
you’ll never catch me
nor trample the starlight I leave behind
Starbucks Napkin – Poem.
There Are Some Dark Clouds Hanging Heavy Over This City
I was hunting through the depths of my handbag, cleaning up and out in the buildup to New Year, potentially also because I am bored to death.
I found this, that I wrote on a Starbucks napkin on the Upper West Side in New York.
Starbucks Napkin
You better watch
out for the Man in
unexpected places & stay
mind full of your
own dark tendency to
rise & fall like the stock market
on waves of pop culturity.
No, your compass has lost it’s
northward point to authenticity
and this franchise has
won your over with a
pretence to your beatnik heroes
fools you with it’s fair trade
beans still harvested
by those hands scarred and
weathered, that never held a pen
or wrote a poem.
the heartbeat of this city
has moved SoHo art from SoHo to
Westside and pretty soon
you’ll find yourself lost
in the Grid because the new
arists & poets write
beats in Starbucks.
Lucidity Speaks – Poem.
Lucidity Speaks
When you speak, how often I must
listen with baited breath
to hear the thing you might say
next, could be funny or serious
off guard, i tend to spend these moments
and makes me like an addict
for I love the rush of blood to my
head when you make me think
before I speak, so I don’t get it wrong
so I don’t regret, but I live regretting
these moments, precious, few
i spend in awe of you, when Lucidity speaks
it reminds me that there’s something in the
air around us that I’m breathing funny
something makes me come alive
ideas that once were silent fly into
the sky that wakes and blinks in
blue hues that colour everything around us
somehow sharper with your eyes wide open
your voice softly speaking things aloud
where I can hear them, over rush of blood
and thought where they are blooming now
in sunshine of your fertilising mind, strange
how coincidence draws you to new places
where I’ve decided I would share a glass
of wine with you that was old, red wine that
I would usually treasure with someone dear
like you could someday be, you shake me.
to invigorating friends, and thinking that shapes me,
to conversations that are fleeting, but enable me to build a
life around me, it’s enabling me to Live.
Kisses Of An Old Man – Poem.
Older And Wiser
if you’ve ever had
the kisses of an older man
they are sweet and soft
he is full of wisdom and life
his lips are warm and frail
but honest when they meet yours
if you’ve ever had
the kisses of an older man
you will learn things you never knew
and see things only the old know
all shown to you in a kiss
revealed in a caress
Get her, get Wisdom
and your understanding
find her at whatever cost
respect the age you are for
a girl like me will love
a man like you when you are
older and wiser
under the kisses of an older man
you will feel alive, he will
gift you with his life
and youthful men can only fuel
their own fires, so treasure him
wth grey dark mottly hair and body
the hands of an older man
can shake and tremble with more truth
than when we are young and foolish
he may be nearly blind but he sees me
don’t be weakened by your prideful youth
his wiser kisses tell the truth
Morning – Poem.
Waking Up This Morning In The Mist & Fog
i love rainy mornings
when the sun is just close enough to up,
the world is transluscent
and damp.
i’ll sing about coffee shops
and lost loves
and harbor selfish memories
in that sad early hour
with the heater on in the car
driving to someplace
for new memorable moments
that i will someday recall
on a morning just the same.