Blogging & Ill Discipline.

I’ve been thinking recently, and possibly some might have noticed, the lack of regular posting here. There are lots of potential reasons…

1. Too much going on to form coherent thoughts.
2. Too many things that are inappropriate to talk about in this forum.
3. Quality not quantity.

This third, I can reference right away.

I’ve noticed, in surveying some of what I’ve written in the last few years that the immediacy and accessibility of blogging technology to ‘publish’ my thoughts has possibly led me to a lazy place when it comes to the craft.

When I was at high school, I shared an English class with a girl who simply a phenomenal writer. She had a distinct style, her talent was obvious to see, as was her passion. At school – I was focused on radio & media. That form of storytelling was more important for my career path. And sharing a class with Jenni, whose rising star absorbed the disciplinary focus of our teacher at the time… well, left me feeling lacklustre about my own prospects as a writer.

If it hadn’t been for my English & Media Studies teacher, Mr Bates.. (I google him often, just in the hopes of finding him again)… well, possibly none of my writing would have ever found the public eye again.

It’s amusing, considering how much of my business and communications skillset come from simple, well-practiced art of writing. And I still have more in me.

I left that 5th form class thinking I would never be published and never attempt it. I’ve graduated my early twenties, making a living from it without shame and owning the craftmanship required to ‘write’… or (how I think of it).. “be compiling words” in many forms for many reasons.

My love of language and construction leads me to journalism, poetry, prose, lyricism and storytelling through script and visual medium.

So.. the Blog?

The temptation with blogging is to be too undisciplined in my execution.
Not enough thought or precision put to style, word choice, construction, punctuation and process. So here is my dilemma..

If in every other medium, I am well-edited, processed, re-written, outlined, architecturally sound both in flow and ideological progression – is it permissible to be so stream of consciousness in blogging? Or does that reveal the weaker flaws in my writing?

Is this like a journal of thoughts (I’m still scarred by those who simply consider this an inappropriate forum for what is published here… though they have little idea of the catalogued journal and notebook system in place for that which is much more private) – so it’s “casualness” permissible?

Or, like meeting someone for the first time – because this becomes my most prolific publication source, should I make more of an effort when it comes to first impressions?

I’m going to start reviewing those posts which have led me into trouble. You can expect that I’ll re-publish those posts previously removed, revised and edited.

The difficulty is that I want to be a good writer. Mostly because I want to say things that are meaningful, more than saying nothing in a beautiful way. I’m no Jenni, but now.. rather than suspecting I’m not remotely deserving of my ‘teacher’s’ attentive discipline and correction.. I’m looking for the process myself.. in hopes of sending her a book one day.

So, in true McGill style.. I’ve said in several hundred words what I could’ve accomplished in 35.

All writing deserves the attention of craftsmanship, to refine the thoughts interred and the manner of architecture around them. My suspicion is that blogging has made me lazy, so I’m attempting to turn the tide.

Feel free to offer your thoughts & comments. Am I the only one that feels this way from time to time?

Object Attraction.

I’m going to be moving house soon. Granted, every year, I’ve wondered, for all six years I’ve been in my little cottage.. will this be the year it’s finally time to move? It’s been a glorious little home.

So I’m ruthlessly going through my worldly possessions (it feels like there are a lot of them, but I’m putting a huge amount down just to the 37sq metres of living space.

This little article here is full of interesting thoughts around possessions and the sentimental significance we attach to stuff.

Of course, the real power of those objects is found in the internal monologues, memories and pictures inside our hearts, those objects are like hyperlinks to those stored images, scents and sounds.

But why do I hold on? I hold on to photographs, instruments and books. Pieces of art and gifts and silly little things. As I try and undo and put aside, I find myself looking at the “memories” I’ve been keeping, slowly wondering why, and unraveling a girl I was a long time ago.

It’s the journey and reflection I see of myself that lashes me to Objects. Still, it’s time to let many of them go, begin afresh and new.

“Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is.” Yoda.

Book Review : Inside The Mind Of Youth Pastors

Articles like this sometimes.

But books like Inside the Mind of Youth Pastors by my friend (presumptious?) Mark Riddle are insightful and brilliant and practical and accessible.

If you mistakenly thought this was some kind of long-awaited self-help book* for youthworkers (hey, now there is an idea for the YS bookshelves!), you would be off by a mile. But, it is in fact, a very helpful self-help book for your youth ministry and your youth staff/volunteer relationships, especially and particularly with senior church staff and leadership.

I am really grateful for Mark’s insights, reality checks and helpful approach to building honest, truthful, supportive and encouraging relationships between senior pastors and youth workers because he tackles tough issues, very real issues, in a precise and unrelenting way. Through it all, he maintains a warmth and genuine tone, where you get the sense, this guy is on your side. In fact, regardless of whether you’re a senior pastor, sole pastor, volunteer or youth pastor.. you get the feeling he’s on your side.

Chapters, Highlights, Sidenotes…You’ll Notice..

Endorsements.. There are a pile of them. And from good quality people, who come from a wide range of places and perspectives. Most praise both Mark the person and the work. Which is always a good sign. There are so many endorsements that actually – you ought to read them for their own sake.

Short Chapters.. Busy people will be reading this book, but while these short chapters are easy to read – they require thoughtful response and ask brilliant questions. My overall sense was that there are no words wasted. Stories are well placed but not overdone.

He Gets It.. Mark legitimately does get inside the mind of youthworkers from all walks and variance of experience, in addition to really understanding the driving motivations behind a lot of church youth ministry stories. He does a good job of identifying not just the wrestles of youthworkers and youth ministry, but the ongoing demands placed on senior leadership in the broader scope of church to deliver on certain expectations. And he unpacks the internal motivations of us all as leaders. *Reading this book in fact, was a little bit of a personal healthcheck.

Great Centerfold Diagrams.. This book isn’t just about seeking the Spirit and relying on discernment, feelygood feelings. No, there’s actual HR theory, relational theory and communication theory woven right through the core. Reading this book, even just the centerfold, will make you a better parent, friend, boss, employee and romantic love interest.

Discussion Questions.. From the outset, Mark addresses that you may be reading this book in order to put something in place, to instigate change, or healthy process, to invigorate and build trust with your staff team. So he gives you great, cut to core discussion questions to use, and guides you through the process of implementation and building relationship. This is like a pastoral book that wants to give you really helpful tools.

Process, Practicalities and Positioning Statements.. Mark really clearly addresses the process of deciding why, how, who, what and when that a church goes through in appointing staff, no holds barred, healthy and unhealthy, from every angle. Gives you a look to think about to fit your own circumstances into the spectrum. You’ll feel good and bad. That’s ok. He then speaks practically about basic things to get right and to avoid in the interview and employment process for both sides!! Yes, two ticks. Then he also makes some brave and brief positioning statements about practical choices.. especially in regards to ..

Catalytic Leadership (pg.78) – Most churches want the fruit of catalytic leadership, that looks to them like engaged and passionate young people ought to look, but rarely are they prepared or wanting the chaos and turmoil that a Catalytic Leader brings.

Ideal Youth Pastor Age (pg.81) – Mark puts forward a brief but well constructed, legitimate argument for maturity in youth pastors.

Healthy Churches .. – There is a clear picture of what a healthy church is/isn’t, does/doesn’t. Including the approach of self-revelation it takes in the interview and employment process.

Issues.. Ministry envy and comparison, performance anxiety, communication meltdowns.

My Own Particular Standouts And Notes

1. Characteristics of youth pastor expectations, what’s expected of them and what they expect of the job.

2. Connection between the overspiritualization and emotional connectedness that develops in the interview process.

3. The packaging doesn’t always match the product (ie: how to sell yourself article above!)

4. The Blame Game – performance anxiety and deference, role of responsibility in every aspect of leadership, including church’s responsibility.

5. This book offers invaluable insight into overall church behaviour patterns.

6. The influence of theology on staffing can take you by surprise. Reminds me of the “budget reflects the values of the church” talk I heard Brian Winslade give.

7. The importance and place of unexpressed vision in volunteers.

8. Churches do have strong values that form the organizational ideas around youth ministry, even if it’s not formally expressed in ‘vision’.

9. EXPERTISE – often churches want the approval/rhetoric of a Youth Ministry expert but only to affirm their existing plan of action.

10. Catalytic Leadership – the classic case of be careful what you wish for.

11. Ladder of Inference – often the product of relational neglect, the consequences of Isolation (relationally neutral), Alienation (relationally negative) and Condemnation (the end is near).

12. Young People – what about young people in the process? Chp 17 – 20, look at the relationship with young people.

The next book called the “un-Official Church Staff Manual” is going to be an excellent companion piece, because consistently “Inside the Mind” will lead you think… man, this book is really for the whole church. Not just Youth Ministry.

Check back for the blog tour later on.

Strange Misperceptions.

A few weeks ago I noticed a spike in general search engines for my name. That’s why I love reporting features. But to keep me honest, I make sure that it’s public and people can see it for themselves. This is not a vastly popular blog, although i know a few lurkers that hang around.

But I figured out a possible reason when I was in Sydney. My friend Adam asked me to write a very short piece for a new ministry book that was being published by Relevant. I sent it off, not that happy with it – frustrated by word count and timeframe! And then I heard nothing else. So I kinda figured it probably didn’t make the cut.

Whoops. Actually, when I arrived at Mark & Vickie’s place, I saw the latest edition on the counter and picked it up. The only previous copy I’ve seen was Issue #1, online edition only.

It was pretty funny to see my name in print there, and to re-read the article. It’s in Issue #2 of Neue Quarterly. I’m going to have to go subscribe now.

All that being said, whilst I’m working on book material consistently (still trying to find something original to say), and I’ve seen my byline in newsprint for work several times – to have even an article published in the Christian sector is actually cool for me.

And it makes entertaining fun for my friends and I, as I wait for celebrity to overtake. (Total humour, just joking. I promise.) Like here. Stu’s having a laugh – but actually, he probably has more right to write (sic) than I do. But hey… I’m cute.

In Other Details..
I make stuff for people – clients and myself. Usually there are other people involved ‘on the tools’ but for your perusement .. here are some recent works..

made by brendan smith, concept tash mcgill, photos & words tash mcgill, for eastercamp08

And now, back to regularly scheduled programming.