Thoughts For Right Now.

Please spare some thoughts and prayers right now for Kenya, especially the people at the heart of the conflict in Nairobi. You can read about the crisis online from a humanitarian perspective here. you can find bloggers perspectives on the human impact and what will make a difference at

Our world is full of despair and hopelessness on so many levels. We are barely competent or responsive to the issues. Darfur is suffering, Sierra Leone is still broken, Liberia corrupt, Uganda held at the mercy of madmen. East Timor, Fiji.. so many places that are full of horror. My heart is breaking for Kenya and all these places. Please spare some time in your thoughts and prayers.

Where this unleashes, there are children who become readers and authors of war. Who obliterate one another with the violence of abuse, abandonment and tragedy. There are orphans of war, famine and disease piling up and we must take note of the voice calling out. If nothing else, cry out for our brothers and sisters and children of injustice in this earth.

I have always wrestled with the idea of spending tens of thousands on IVF treatments for couples that can’t have children. I can completely relate to the biological desire to create life but my heart breaks for orphans – for the unloved. The words of Hosea, that name children Desolate – and then see them renamed.. I love the picture of redeeming the children of this world that have been left on the side of the road. Especially in recent months when health issues have given me scope to really address the possibility of adoption in my future, recent conversations with other Jesus-followers about the potential joy of bringing the unloved into a home of love… and then listening to the story Mike Pilavachi told of someone in his community who is moving to Africa to become mum to a tribe of orphans, eight in total. There is an inkling of this in my future, and I don’t want to lose it – a heart for the child that is unloved. To redeem something beautiful that God made in the midst of humanity, where humanity abandoned them. Yes – that would be a good way to spend my love on this earth.

Some Thoughts From Another Time..

Painless and easy. Landing to the sound of Dave Dobbyn singing “loyal”.
Sydney airport is so boring. It’s bland. Even the bookstore. How could I not find a single book that seemed worth reading? And the food options are appalling. Yuck. Miserable way to spend five hours when all I wanted to do was be travelling.

What a perfect flight apart from the lack of inseat entertainment. Those big screens are really frustrating. Lots of room, a whole row. Lots of time spent talking with Jesus and feeling my nerves come down. Had a complete freakout about 1 hour into the flight. Overwhelmed by a sense of aloneness, of missing home, of all the people I wished were with me. I wrote in my journal and gave thanks for every good and deep love I have here on this earth, the ones left at home and then the ones I was travelling too. Regained my equilibrium. Bliss. Captured all the bliss by writing loveletters home to some of my dearest old and new friends. Felt amazing landing in LA.

Stratched window ruined a little bit of the view until we got closer to the big late summer storm system over the whole Midwest. The clouds were huge, dramatic and all swirling together – you could picture the time lapse. Landing the sun was setting to the west of us and so the sky was Polaroid and the clouds full of pink and golden hues. So divine.

So many things to note, but the united terminals at o-hare form a sort of golden palisade, rendered caramel, gold and coffee coloured as the sun rises and hits it from the east and sets, illuminating it from the west in the evening. It’s sharp gleam must beckon homeward bound as the smooth glass dome runs on an north – south axis. Once inside the lengthy connecting travelator is still one like a living interacting tribute to colour, the resene colour swatch wall effect with glass panels echoed in the multicoloured neon madness that sits overhead. All the marble and quietness after the hours in the air is enough to make your head spin.


Charlie – Charlie the marine, stationed in California and out at sea until he got the call to come home for the birth of his second child, another daughter with his wife. She was in labour while he was waiting for the customs check, hoping that she could hang out for his frantic trip to the hospital in LA

Charlotte in Chicago, a city dweller who loved to talk about all the places to stay and what to do. Gave the River Bus hint, rather than the river boat or taxi tours. For 2 dollars a trip you get an 18 minute ride down the best parts of the river on a DIY architecture tour. Also familiar with st louis she recommends forest park and the st louis zoo as one of the best in the world – and “on the hill” for thai food.

Whoops. Actually Feilding Is Spelt Feilding.

Which I Think Is A Little Bit Ridiculous

Day Two of Soul Survivor.

There are elements of this place that remind me of Eastercamp a few years ago, while the Working Team were just the hands and feet of the Vision Team. There was a big chasm between the sense of spiritual leadership and practical leadership. Now, we see more and more that the leadership and drive of camp, both heart, soul, spirit and hands comes so much out of the Working Team, and it’s just our language that needs to change. There is a sense that perhaps these guys are still operating on two sides of the coin.

A challenging time to choose my words wisely – Sam said he could see the rats running in the wheel and it’s true, that the brain is working overtime but it’s really important to choose what to talk about here, what to reflect on and what to engage in dialogue over. What things simply to observe and that’s it. Still – tonight was my first real opportunity to talk to SS people – the festival managers Jon & Carol Cummings and Sam. Both the conversations were good – and I had a sense that God was present in the moments.

Reflections – there is a paradigm shift between church camp, youth festival and music festival. I’ve been observing this in the way that leadership and presentation is structured, how the programmes are structured, how the people interact with one another. Here, there is a large emphasis on leadership from the front (flow on from the emphasis on Spiritual Leadership). So in capturing a real festival atmosphere, it’s interesting to observe what I would change or shape in the flow of days and activities.

Reflections – I’m loving being camped with the Baptist Tabernacle kids. It’s awesome to have a tent full of girls at this very moment – talking about faith, life, boys, the festival and so on and so on. It’s making my heart ache to be back hands on with youth ministry. I’m loving the moments over making dinner with my windsor boys. It’s a good good thing.

Seminar – Potentially a nightmare, in a room without windows or ventilation on an overcast and humid summer day. But there was a few punters there who seemed to engage. The hour went quickly. I spoke about focusing on discovering who you are based on your strengths and how that ultimately impacts the community we live in as well as our understanding of God, ourselves and our purpose.

Still In A Field In Fielding.

So… when is breaking the rules not breaking the rules? We’re at a christian summer festival.. where you can leave the site without permission unless you’re over 18. You’re not allowed drugs or alcohol on site.

So when one of my students left the site and went for a walk, walked into a pub and ordered a drink, then came back to the camp…. he didn’t break any of the rules.

But we all know that the spirit of the rules was broken. Uhoh. What do you do with that?

Soul Survivor In Brief

It’s such a great privilege to be at an event that I’m not responsible for anything at. It’s also a great privilege to be on the prayer team etc, and to see so many people that I know and love here.. especially to see something that is such a big part of Sam‘s world unfolding. It’s a great team of people and I’m enjoying meeting more and more of them.

It’s almost impossible for me to be at something like this and not reflect, assess, wonder and analyse. It’s so instinctive.. that I just can’t switch it off very often. Even at Passion and NYWC… I’m always thinking about ‘the stuff’.

1. It’s hot and dry during the day and the temperature drops quickly at night. It reminds me of April Easters at Finlay Park.
2. Service projects to the Fielding community including weeding gardens, cleaning windows and painting fences, mostly for those who are unable to do it for themselves. Split up into small groups of two or three and dropped off around the city. Worship for those participating? Yes… and especially beautiful for those who are organisers to drive around the city and see people at work making a difference. Making a difference for what though? Darryl’s seminar immediately following? Ironic timing.
3. The scheduling is interesting – seminars first in the morning, then a general session at 11am – which makes for a lot of people sweltering in a tent in the middle of the day. There’s little other entertainment or activity during the day apart from sessions & seminars, but the programme is chockablock across two minor venues and hang out zones after the evening session.
4. Nothing is compulsory, but if you’re not in the main sessions – there’s nothing to do.. so is it really as free as all that? Social engagement? Fun stuff?
5. I’m not sure what I was expecting in terms of demographic – Probably more young adults in the 18+ age group. But the kids here are great kids.
6. My Baptist background is starting to wrestle a little bit with the Anglican/New Wine heritage – mostly when it comes to the expectations or approach to prayer ministry, Holy Spirit spaces and expectations on manifestation. I’m thinking too much. Ugh.
7. Being a firsttimer, there’s not heaps and heaps of info to get your head around – and not necessarily a lot of connection points – it’s definitely SS doing ministry with your people – and your relationship and connection to SS plays a big part in the flavour and how that plays out. Not necessarily good or bad, just interesting to observe.
8. As a slightly older young adult (just wanted to use an oxymoron of some sort).. it’s a lonely experience when my group is so small and relatively disconnected – they’re not feeling it as much as I am, which is funny cos I’m sharing a tent with one of my dearest and oldest friends. But it’s community I long for.

So far it’s been an interesting time. I’m wrestling with real feelings of loneliness and sadness at being here with so few of my community. It’s a glorious reminder of why I love youth ministry and why I hate being alone here .. I wish that there were another 15 people here, as well as young adults. More of a community that we could journey through the issues of social justice and faith in action.

Darryl Gardiner’s seminar today on Justic in the here and now was insightful – mainly because he addressed the ministry of reconciliation that we are all called to – reconciliation to God, to others, to ourselves and to the world around us. He also addressed the difference between social justice and social concern… something that is important to consider in light of today’s service projects and the practical toolbox stuff that I’m trying to put together for Eastercamp.

Stress levels are high – there is so much to do for Easter and Parachute and it all has to happen in the next ten days.. and I’m here in a field in Fielding.

BUT… I love being in the presence of good God-loving people.

STILL — Mark, Bernie, Tim, Steve… I miss your guitar lines, Jono – I miss your keys. Definitely miss my bass boys too. Oh yeah. I love playing music and can’t wait to get into the year.

Swinging Into The New Year

Or… This Is Not A List Of Resolutions

This year there are several goals that I would like to aspire too – things that have previously been part of the rhythm and balance of my life that I want to return to, as well as new things that I want to integrate into my being | doing | sharing life. In no particular order…

1. Restore the Lose Weight Discipline… haha, ok, so those who know the journey so far may scoff, but.. a trip to America and the summer celebration season has seen me stalling in second gear on this. I want to shake the last ten kilos by Easter, mostly for very prideful reasons.

2. Restore Thursday Night Dinners… before the Diet, I had a rhythm of life that was quite precious, and including weekly acts of hospitality… the best of which was Thursday Night Dinners, a weekly ritual of opening my home and cooking for others. A culinary and conversational challenge that often stirred great delight in my soul. I am a natural born nurturer I think.. I love to feed people’s bodies and souls, with sustenance and pleasure alike. It’s an act of worship, one that I’ve had to put aside over the last few months.

3. Restore Friday Night Sabbath… for every rhythm there is a natural ebb and flow. The flow-on from practiced extroversion and hospitality is a shutting of the doors in order to spend time at home, alone. These Friday Nights stemmed out of a sense of something missing the social activities I was involved with.. which in turn was really shown to be a sense of missing myself. Maybe not Friday Night Sabbath.. but Sabbath at least needs to return to my life this year.

4. Rebirth the Practice of Creativity in Art… I have barely painted in the last twelve months, a shocking absence especially considering that having sold the best of my work.. the walls of my home feel a little bare. I haven’t devoted the same amount of time to writing, songwriting, art or personal creativity as what I would like to… so it will be ‘rebirthed’ (not restored, for I am hoping for a fresh conception).

5. Take More Photographs of People I Love… I take photographs for work but I want to get back to capturing the moments of life wide open as I am living it. There are too many precious people whose faces, hands, eyes and posture I adore but keep sketched in my head. I want to capture these ones I love on film, through the eyes that find beauty there.

6. Read more History… of Humanity, of Judaism, of Church & Mission.

7. Read more Biography… of people that make a difference, that choose a different path, that find Life grasps them unexpectedly.

8. Read more Bible… I would like to steal Steve Taylor’s idea of Stoning the Prophets and start reading the Bible aloud with others, allowing spaces for reflection as well as exegesis.

9. Read more Letters… (this is your opportunity to participate.. go ahead and write me one).

10. Write more Letters… I wrote a couple of letters that I was exceptionally proud of in America, posted them off sealed with kisses and prayers. Unlike an email or a novel, you can’t keep carbon copies of letters so easily. You have to just write them as they come and then entrust the words you put down into the hand of the postman and the receiver. No endless editting, no cut and paste, no delete. The ink of indelible thought… precious and given as a gift.

11. Write more Books… I have 3 ideas that are already underway and if I don’t at least finish the first in time for November, I will be sorely disappointed.

Not resolutions… just very strong ideas.

The Christmas Rush

The Christmas Rush

At 30,000ft

at thirty thousand feet clear skies open
it clarifies my head and heart again
and lately when i’m stuck up here
i keep thinking of you, what you’re up to
twenty six days and thirty two
of these airborne hours to go

i’m so far east and west of you
it crystallizes everything i knew
spirit in me calling for you
i wrote you a good letter, told you truth
‘cept i didn’t know how true it was
til i got home to you

that i am blessed, blessed
i confess that i am beyond my portion
my cup overflows

Christmas And New Year Celebrations
Christmas week went by in a blur of activity and preparations, church productions, rehearsals and gatherings. There were swimming nights by the pool for music team end of year, late night gatherings for spas and drinks at my place, last minute rehearsals, shopping and busyness. There was lots of working that all needed to get done in the last few minutes before the year broke it’s back on Dec 24th. It’s such a hectic and ridiculous pace of life before everything pauses as if the world stops turning for a moment. Where were the rhythms of life that I was so desperately needing?

So… here are the highlights of the last two weeks.. in no apparent order..

seeing the production come together with an incredibly talented bunch of people that all took personal ownership for various bits and pieces and showcased themselves as a really great team. they didn’t even need me on the final night!

creating traditions with a team of musicians that love one another well. even if those traditions do include throwing people in the pool. sharing wise and encouraging words with one another. feeling completely immersed in a deep deep love with these wonder-full people.

admitting that i’ve always had a thing for cowboys and seeing all the band dressed up with hats and moustaches included for the show.

giving Luke the perfect Christmas gift, a little drum of his own to beat.

talking to roni, uncle john & aunt val and my darling Danielle on Christmas Day.

missing my community desperately on Christmas Eve and relishing how much we’ve grown together that I could feel that way!

driving up north and watching the sunset as I travelled over the Brynderwyn hills on Christmas Day, enjoying being alone, being with God and anticipating days spent under summer skies with dear friends.

the joy of communal living – preparaing meals, doing dishes, eating, sleeping, resting, laughing and playing together.

the comfortable ache of loneliness now that it’s all done.

the best christmas gift was perfect because it was so unexpected, so well thought out and speaks to my heart, my head and my ears… dave matthews & tim reynolds live at radio city on dvd… thanks mark. x.

the perfect balance of people, solitude, silence, noise over the days at the beach.
view photos here

laughing, dancing and celebrating the new year.. view photos here.

What’s Next?
Working today and tomorrow, then heading to Soul Survivor where I’m speaking a seminar or two and hanging out with a couple of young guys from church.