Fragments Of Songs I’m Writing For You.

dark night on a long road
220 minutes still to go
spacing out time on odometer
with all our stories running through my head

if we stretched out all the spaces
we had nothing much to say
we’d be further than it seems right now
we’d still not be ok
we’re farther than we started
we’re still more than far away

if i opened up the wreckage of this life
you’d see sparks fly from my insides
and the flames burn higher for the silence
my spark wants you to stay, for the road home




oh my dear sad heart
on far shore you proclaim
the strength of days the hope
of past mistakes restored i
am only ever waiting on a
star to fall from
outer reaches of the
dark, fragrant spaces.

oh the dearest, the best
save all the letters and
re-scatter them, make new
beds we lie in every Saturday
and new songs rewritten
in each small perfection
a confection of the melancholy
perfect symphony of catastrophe.

laid upon disaster oh the
vanishes of deep blue skies
and conflicting pinstripes call
nothing left on wasting time
floating on the current of the
day with light accompanying
you to heaven with a violent
twist, an aching kiss.

I Shall Believe.

Beyond that, you’ll have to be patient with me.
I’m writing eulogies of a life I wasn’t finished with yet.

Thanks to Madonna and Vanity Fair, May 2008.

“Ultimately everything’s good,” she told me. “Even bad is good, because bad is there to help you resist it. You need to have that resistance to be good, and, let’s face it, the worst things that happen are always the best things that happen. If you look back at your life and say, Well, what did you learn? What happened that changed your life, that made you strong, that made you grow, it’s always things you perceived as bad. So is there bad?”

“You have to get to a point where you care as little about getting smoke blown up your ass as you do when you become a whipping boy in the press, because ultimately they both add up to shit. You just have to keep doing your work, and hope and pray somebody’s dialing into your frequency. If your joy is derived from what society thinks of you, you’re always going to be disappointed.”


We are about to be leaping into bright horizons and future growth stuff. Exciting, terrifying times. Eastercamp is into full swing, Parachute is next week. I’ve still got 13 kilos to lose in 9 weeks. I’ve been on diet holiday for a few weeks but all that is over now, it’s time to finish this Esther year.

Tonight driving home, all of a sudden I came across a line of road cones blocking the road. Someone’s idea of a funny joke, which was entertaining.

Tonight prior to driving home, I was at music practice. There is a sense to which I love and hate being a volunteer. I’m glad that I have a lot of life left, so that maybe one day, I will have enough hours to do all the things I feel like I want to.

It’s hard work playing for the morning team, because they all work like individuals. There’s no team, no making of music together, just a collection of parts. It’s not really music, just a sound generator.