
oh my soul
fly to that resting place
beneath thy Beloved’s face

be still and know
that He is God
and everything about the Way
is understood

I’m at church waiting for band practice to start – I don’t have my Maton because it’s busy having a slight adjustment – the action on the lower frets is getting a little high. I’m looking forward to having her back, because I’m writing quite a lot at the moment. It’s frustrating not being able to play through a setlist before the rest of the band arrives as well.

The church has been graffitied = every glass window. Just tag signs – nothing too creative or artistic and all white. But I’m am secretly pleased at our building becoming a community artwork. I wonder what it says about our presence, or the artists? I hope that they don’t wash it away too quickly.

Home Alone
Andy and Kirsten have gone away for the week with the Bradleys to Waipu. It’s sad to watch the house go from full – Alison & Phillip, Eye, Kirst & Andy, Jes & Liam .. to just me. Not even any exciting visitors or plans for a big party! I’ll swap between my cottage and their place.. doing useful things like putting out the courier packs, and mainly drinking coffee on my own in the mornings.

Band Practice
All I want to do in the band tonight is play guitar and sing.. and let the guys cruise in where they want. But the feel in my head is so precise that I want to drive it, and push it around to where I want to go. I am going to have to buy another guitar.. and I’m looking at this one…

It’s a Guild GAD-JF30. I’d prefer it in a sunburst finish .. but I think that I’ll like the tone. Rest and relaxation this week will probably be done at the Rockshop. Checking out tone, construction and onboard electrics. I’m already feeling so turned on!

Today Is The Greatest Day I’ve Ever Known
Well not really – but I figure if I’m going to be positive I should start now.
This morning I found a mouse outside my bedroom door. It was dead.. so it was probably the dog that brought it as a gift.

As of Monday it will be 8 weeks til Easter and things are finally starting to come together – I think. I know that it’s still 2 months away – but gosh those months will go so quickly. It does feel good to be pursuing new partnership relationships though – expanding the community and whanau of the Eastercamp deal.

Might be going to the concert series at the Zoo tonight – Viv is here from Oz and so it will be cool to catch up, and Si is playing there so it seems the most likely place that we’ll end up.

Roni leaves in three weeks. She’ll be off to the Outback and then South America, with an indefinite return date. Exciting.

Summer Ales
Yesterday was relatively manic as far as days go.. especially with a drive to the depths of Howick last night to see Rodney. But seeing Rodney is like a cool balm on the soul sometimes. He’s so refreshingly honest, genuine and relaxed about who he is. It gives freedom to me to do likewise.

I talked to him about the job scenario. He says I’m growing up.
I said I need his help. He said he’ll give it.
I think I have to lot to learn from him. He says I’ll still be me no matter where I am.
I said I still want to be good at everything. He says I have to let go and stop striving to not be my father.
I think I’m amazed at how quickly God is revealing so much of what I’ve been learning.
Rodney says he’s looking forward to the next part of the ride.

Gasping – Easterwatch 06 (nine weeks to go)

Today finds me in tears, and feeling at the end of my rope a little. In the midst of trying to recreate and redesign a number of the elements of Eastercamp – I have found myself without the assistance and participation of one of my trustiest guides and helpers. For circumstances that I know are reasonable, he’s had to pull out. Even though camp is nine weeks away, it’s still at the last minute and it feels terrible and foreboding. All the peace I had two weeks ago has disappeared in the light of the past few events and now I feel the pressure overwhelmingly so.

I don’t know which way to go forward .. i need to get back onto my ‘creative flow’ .. and to get back in touch with the connectivity and peace of God at work in this thing. Nothing feels easy or comfortable or even achievable. Too many new things and too many unknowns and all of a sudden everyone is looking at me to achieve what seems impossible.

So today is the last straw and I want to cry and struggle and be held and reassured.


Phones with sleek rubber covers to protect them from scratches and bumps. Kinda like Ipod covers.
Emails from dear ones far away.
Good wine.
Good friends.
Things to look forward to like weddings.
Blue skies, sunsets and clear heads.
Space and Time to formulate new ideas

A Woman & Her Hairdresser
I love that my hairdresser, sytlist, colourist etc are more like friends that you only see once in a while that people that I pay to make me look good. It was great to share in Aimee’s wedding photo joy, as well as Bonz’ great headshots, and to hear everything that’s going on for them. I thought it was kinda funny at first .. but then isn’t that partly why I want to open a pub? To hear people’s stories .. whenever they are ready to tell them?

Career Development
I’m having an epiphany. Sometimes it’s meaningless to preach from trenches, to those on pavement. So maybe an effective and intentional way of being meaningful in my peer community is to actually serve the same way they do .. balancing ‘real’ jobs and the demands/tensions of that life.